APRIL FOOLS! Here's a Site Blog


Of course, of all days, I decide to start today. Rest assured this isn't a joke. I intend to post to this thing once in a while~ I have no schedule though. I don't work well if I force things for myself!


Found out about the Kiefel v. Ruff case happening in Portland right now. My therapist told me their field is in a state of uncertainty because of it and it may affect my ability to get surgery letters in the future.


I want to link to a source, but the only sources reporting on this case are the transphobic ones! I wonder why! The gist of what's going on is a detransitioner, backed by a TERF organization, is suing her trans care team for approving her top surgery instead of not affirming her at-the-time non-binary identity. Sound familiar? That's because similar cases have been filed in Florida and the UK.

It's only the latest in a pattern of detransitioners being swept up by transphobic movements to parrot their propaganda through a relatable mouth. It's easy to sway people at their most vulnerable moments, and that's where I think a trans-positive detrans movement could step in. Trans people with big voices tend to bring up the 1-3% detrans rate and brush it off as if it doesn't exist. In the context of pointing out that most trans people don't regret their transition, that makes sense. But don't those that fall into that percentage deserve support and understanding, too? BEFORE they get taken in by transphobes? And ESPECIALLY before they can make things worse for the rest of us?!


My mom's in town and as such she took me shopping. It was during this trip I found my best thrifting treasure in a while: an S-VHS VCR!!

It's a low-end model, but I was blown away that I was able to find it in the wild! Anyone know where I can find pre-recorded S-VHS tapes? It's seemingly impossible for me to search on ebay. I do hear they're expensive so I'll probably never buy them, but I just wanna see what's available. I know master tapes for fansubs back in the day were on S-VHS so I guess that's my white whale for now~


My Tumblr account got deleted and they took my other blogs in the divorce. That's partially what inspired me to make an on-site blog. Didn't get an explaination yet, but I sent an email so we'll see what happens. I just wanna get back to reblogging things onto my aesthetic blog!

... also, today's my sister's birthday! Everyone say happy birthday! Out loud! In your home! Right now!! We went out to an arcade and had a good time. I was better at Mario Kart GP than I thought I'd be. :3c Then we went out and got donuts while someone sang "I love hookers and cocaine" outside. Good times.