
(26) Messages






It's always say goodnight and go~♪

Member name: Ashley
Female / United States

Member since 2007
1 Year Space Cadet

211 Submissions
7,407 Pageviews

Featured Art

Hi, I'm Ashley! ^^
I like drawing, anime, cats, and video games.
I actually want to make my own video games someday~ But for now, I'll settle with romhacking XD

Pls don't thank me for follows, favs, comments, or get into arguments in my comments. I find it annoying. :T



.::Music Box::.


.::Updates::. Sept 26th

September 26, 2010

My friend from school, ~EmoKittehO3O, just showed me a new anime called Bastard and the Black Rose and it's AWESOME!! Probably not for anyone squeamish though! XD Is anyone else watching this anime? I haven't seen it at all until Cody showed it to me .3.

I know I said before that I'll be less active now that school's back... but I'm gonna be less active in November once swim team starts X'D Don't worry, commissions are still open, but I'm gonna have to close them by Halloween! Sorry! > <;;

I'm sorry, but can people stop getting into arguments in my comments? I get too many messages because of it and it's annoying. -_- You don't have to white knight me, I know how to use a block button XD

(6) Comments

Current mood: <3
Listening to: Imogen Heap
Watching: Bastard and the Black Rose, duh XD
Eating: Candy~




October 01, 2010

*lurks* OwO

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October 01, 2010

*being lurked* o3o

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+(4) Replies


September 24, 2010

Thanks for the fav! Sorry people are being mean to you lately TT-TT

>Reply  >Flag


September 24, 2010

lol It's ok~ It doesn't bother me that much XD

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